Your Classes
The Gender Excellence class schedule allows you to make progress toward meeting your General Education Requirements, as well as participate in dynamic classrooms with friends in your Gender Excellence program. Students enroll in these courses as part of Gender Excellence, then select two or three other courses fulfilling GenEd or Major requirements.
One course each semester will be taught by the Gen-X Community Director, Jennifer Byrd. You also get the opportunity to learn from previous Gen-X Directors, Kelly Finley and Shannon Bauerle each semester of your first year. Individual student advising will also be available from Kelly Finley, who will help guide you through the options for your college classes.
Fall 2015
WGST 2310
Gender, Activism, & Leadership (3)
(Gen Ed/Writing Intensive) Jennifer Byrd T/R: 12:30 – 1:45
Special course section for Gen-X only – This course will take students beyond the books and the classroom – into the real life experience of activists, leaders and agents of positive social change. Making the personal political, students enrolled in this course will select and complete a community activism project focusing on a gender issue. For students who actually want to “do something,” this course will introduce you to real women and men working on gender issues (body image, politics, domestic violence, art authors, entrepreneurs, rebels, etc). Students will learn the key issues and controversies of past and present feminist/social movements, and what activists are doing today. While exploring the components of ethical leadership, students will learn how to apply classroom theory to the real world around them – gaining academic and professional experience.
This course will examine the relationship between popular film and issues of diversity, as film is a powerful cultural agent in shaping, reflecting, and critiquing society. Cinematic representations of issues of diversity as they relate specifically to race, class, gender and ability will be the focus of this course.
WGST 1101
Intro to Women’s Studies (3)
Kelly Finley T/R: 9:30 – 10:45
Introduction to values associated with gender and basic issues confronting women in society, from a variety of cultural and feminist perspectives.
Spring 2016
WGST 3102
Changing Realities of Women’s Lives (3)
(Writing Intensive) Jennifer Byrd – TBA
Influence of gender, race and class stereotypes on women’s identities and choices. Examination of women’s individual circumstances through writing.
LBST 2101
Western Cultural and Historical Awareness (3)
(GenEd) – TBA
This course examines a major aspect of Western culture through the process of analyzing the present in terms of the past.